• Question: does your work help the enviroment if not what does it help?

    Asked by adam123 to Antonia, Douglas, Hugh, Matt, Tom on 15 Jun 2010 in Categories: . This question was also asked by littlemissknowitall.
    • Photo: Matthew Hurley

      Matthew Hurley answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      If successful it would help anyone with an infection of a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. This may help the environment – loads of animals are given antibiotics that make bacteria resistant to antibiotics which means we have more infections with resistant bacteria.

    • Photo: Antonia Hamilton

      Antonia Hamilton answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      no, my work helps us understand how people interact with each other and how their brains work.

    • Photo: Hugh Roderick

      Hugh Roderick answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      By making plants that are able to defend themselves from pests and diseases, as I am doing, spraying of some very nasty and toxic chemicals that are currently used to control pests and diseases should be greatly reduced if not stopped all together. Which can only be good for the environment!

    • Photo: Tom Hardy

      Tom Hardy answered on 15 Jun 2010:

      My work does not directly help the environment but the way in that my colleagues and I conduct our work is always geared towards helping the environment. We share cars or walk to meetings if we can so that we reduce our carbon footprint; we do not print e-mails to help save trees and we recycle most of our waste.

      My works helps people and protects them against terrorism.
