• Question: Is global warming really going to end the world?

    Asked by jakeronson to Antonia, Douglas, Hugh, Matt, Tom on 14 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Antonia Hamilton

      Antonia Hamilton answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      The world will keep going, but life for the people of the world could be very different. If the ice caps melt and sea levels rise and crops fail, the population of the world might collapse due to disease and famine. And maybe we would all be back to living in caves with no modern medicine and no science.

    • Photo: Matthew Hurley

      Matthew Hurley answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      I don’t know, I suppose theoretically there could be another meteor strike like that that did it for the dinosaurs, but really I think if we go on how we are at the moment we could damage the planet beyond repair through global warming.

    • Photo: Hugh Roderick

      Hugh Roderick answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      It won’t end the world but it will make it very hard for humans to continue doing what we do

    • Photo: Tom Hardy

      Tom Hardy answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      No. It may change things in our life time, the polar ice caps may melt and the sea levels may rise a little and we may find that the temperature increased slightly but none of these things will really start to affect us as humans for many 100’s of years. It is unlikely that global warming will end the world as we know it. Also, don’t forget that humans have only been on the planet for a tiny proportion of the planets existance. Over millions of years the planet has seen several ice ages. It is likely if global warming takes over then the planet will go into an ice age and regenerate itself. All life may have to start again from scratch, but don’t worry this won’t be for many many thousands or more likely millions of years!
