• Question: What is a good balanced diet?

    Asked by soapster to Antonia, Douglas, Hugh, Matt, Tom on 18 Jun 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Matthew Hurley

      Matthew Hurley answered on 13 Jun 2010:

      A good balanced diet is enough, but not too much, of everything. Basically a good mix of carbohydrates (pasta, rice etc.), vegetables, protein (meat) and some fat. You need all these as well as some vitamins and minerals that all are used by the body to make bone, muscle and everything else. Some sensible people think that if a meal has meat, veg and potatoes/rice/pasta with a portion of each being the size of your fist – you’re doing OK. Suppose it depends on the size of your hands though!

    • Photo: Douglas Blane

      Douglas Blane answered on 14 Jun 2010:

      There’s a thing called the Food Pyramid, which shows you a balanced diet in a nice picture. I like the one here cos it’s also got a version for veggies: http://www.mstherapycentres.org.uk/food_pyramid.htm

      Idea is for a balanced diet you eat loads in the bottom food group, and less and less as you move up the pyramid.

      My son has a different theory. He says you need to eat something every day from the four major food groups – salty, greasy, crunchy and chocolate.

    • Photo: Hugh Roderick

      Hugh Roderick answered on 17 Jun 2010:

      I don’t know what the exact recommendations for a balanced diet are, but I try to eat fresh food as much as possible rather then processed foods like microwave meals, have five fruit or veg a day and try not to eat too many sweet things (though I’m not very good at that part!). I also make sure I stay active, I play lots of sports and go to the gym, which I hope makes up for the cake I tend to eat more often then I should!

    • Photo: Antonia Hamilton

      Antonia Hamilton answered on 18 Jun 2010:

      I’m not a dietician, but you need plenty of fruit and veg, a bit of fat (cheese / butter / oil), a bit of protein (meat / beans) and some basic carbohydrates (rice / potatoes, pasta). I think there is no one perfect way to eat a balanced diet, but the less you eat processed food from factories, and the more you eat fruit and veg the better.
